10 Ways Not to Lose Your Sh!t as a New Mom: A Scattered Memoir of Early Motherhood

10 Ways Not to Lose Your Sh!t as a New Mom: A Scattered Memoir of Early Motherhood

Matematika Pak harta ingin memasang keramik yg berukuran 60 cm x 60 cm di rumahnya. Berapa keliling dan luas keramik tersebut?​

Pak harta ingin memasang keramik yg berukuran 60 cm x 60 cm di rumahnya. Berapa keliling dan luas keramik tersebut?​

K = 4s

K = 4(60)

K = 240 cm


L = s^2

L = 60^2

L = 3.600 cm2


I hope this helps :)


k= 2×(p+l)

= 2×(60+60)

= 2×120


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

